How To Fix Loud Pop When Putting Car In Reverse?

When you shift into reverse gear while parking your car, Imagine you are in a driveway or at the mall, you may hear a loud pop when putting car in reverse coming from the back of your vehicle. This can be quite alarming, and it makes you wonder why it happens.

Reasons Why The Car Pop When Put In Reverse

Vehicles tend to create sound when backing or even driving back for parking. While some noises are to be expected and are not alarming, others are indicators of vehicle problems.

1. Brake Pad Issues

When reversing, worn-out brake pads rubbing against the rotor can cause clunks. This usually occurs when the car hasn’t been properly maintained or the brake pad and caliper surfaces have moved a lot. As a result, whenever the brakes fail, it makes a lot of noise. Furthermore, if the anti-rattle chips in the brakes are destroyed, you will likely hear rattling noises.

2. A Problem With Constant Velocity Or A Problem With The Transmission

Consistent motion or transmission issues are the most prevalent reasons for popping sound from an automobile while reversing. This could include CV parts that have shrunk and require a new boot or possibly a total replacement. There could be several issues here, but it could be the parking pawl if the transmission is the issue. A parking pawl’s job is to automatically secure transmission.

3. Damaged Motor Mounts And An Engine That Isn’t Properly Secured

A improperly fastened engine and worn-out engine mounts might create clunking noises. When you shift into reverse and start moving the car, this is one of the most common causes of a single knock or pop. When braking, you’ll hear the same sound, and the car will reverse.

Wearing axles that help to transmit power from the transmission to the wheels can also cause the single knock you hear when the car is moving or you hit the brake pedal in reverse.

4. Unwanted Metal stuck In The Braking System Or The Wheels

When metals rub against one another, popping noises can be heard. If you hear a metallic object stuck between the brake pads and the rotor while reversing, it may be possible that something is stuck between the brake pads and the rotor. The brakes aren’t working properly because there’s something between them.

When this happens, the pads and rotor are thoroughly inspected and cleaned to ensure that any foreign objects are removed and the braking system resumes normal operation.

How To Fix Loud Pop When Putting Car In Reverse?

The various causes of noise in the car are parts of the brake system and the surrounding environment, which you must identify to resolve their issues. The steps for troubleshooting the noise from the car are listed below.

1. Examine The Wear Tabs

If you haven’t used your vehicle’s brakes for a long period, the first thing to check is the wear tabs. Wear tabs may be a cause for concern if the car makes noise when backing up or even moving forward. These are located at the end of the brake tabs and can cause a squealing noise if they rub against the rotor.

2. Examine The Wear And Tear Off Tabs

If you haven’t used your vehicle’s brakes for a long time, the wear tabs should be checked first. Wear tabs might be a cause for concern if the car makes noise while backing up or even moving forward. These are found at the end of the brake tabs and can cause a squealing noise when they rub against the rotor.

3. Grease Shims Lubrication

Between the brake calipers and the brake pads are grease shims. Their primary function is to keep the brakes quiet when they’re in use or when any of the other components rub against each other. When these grease shims are not properly greased, the noises will most likely be audible when the car is reversing. As a result, you must ensure that the shims are lubricated as often as necessary to avoid the noise. The shims have two opposing sides that must be lubricated to prevent the brake pads from wearing out while working over them. You must not, however, over lubricate the shims, as this may ruin them.

4. Examine The Brake System

Check the brake system to see if there are any loose parts. If the screws are loose, consider tightening them to ensure the car’s proper operation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some frequently asked questions about Car Pop When Put In Reverse:

1. When I shift Into Reverse, Why Does My Car Make A Noise?

The sound of a “High Pitched Whine in Reverse”:

If your car makes a high-pitched whining noise that gets louder when the gear shift knob is turned to R, you might need a new transmission fluid filter. You may have a clogged filter if you shift into reverse and the whine gets louder before you even give it any gas.

2. What Does It Sound Like When A Transmission Fails?

You may be experiencing transmission failure if the sound is similar to humming, buzzing, or clunking. Humming, buzzing, or whining noises are common in bad automatic transmissions, while harsher “clunking” sounds are heard in manual transmissions.

3. Is It Possible That A Lack Of Oil Is Causing The Grinding Noise?

When there isn’t enough oil in the engine, it can make a grinding noise as the parts rub against each other.

4. What Are The Most Common Causes Of Grinding Noises In Automobiles?

Worn brakes, a defective CV joint, or transmission problems are the most typical reasons for grinding noises in cars. It’s vital to remember that whichever component is creating the grinding noise must be repaired right away.


A loud Pop sound when putting car in reverse may indicate that your transmission or gearbox needs to be repaired or replaced. It may also indicate that something is stuck between the rotors and the brake pads, or that the brake pads are deteriorating.

If you can’t figure out what’s wrong, the best thing to do is take your car to a mechanic. They will undoubtedly discover the source of the noise and will assist in the repair or replacement of any damaged parts.

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