What To Do If Starter Solenoid Clicks But Starter Does Not Crank Engine?

Imagine you have been in a situation where you go to start your car and all you hear is a clicking sound. It could be a single click, or it could be a chattering sound. Whatever be the case, the result is the same: the starter solenoid clicks but starter does not crank engine.

In this article, we’ll go over what you should do if your starter motor simply clicks and thus isn’t working properly. Let’s take a closer look at it.

Reasons Why Starter Solenoid Clicks But Starter Does Not Crank Engine

The battery is frequently to blame for that dreadful clicking noise, and the solution could be as simple as a jump start or adjusting a wire. However, a single click indicates that the problem is most likely with the starter motor (more on that later).

Here’s what to look for if you hear rapid clicking:

1. The Battery Is Dead

A dead battery is the most typical reason for a clicking noise when trying to start your car. A quick succession of clicks is usually heard. The noise indicates that the starter solenoid or relay is working, but that the battery current is insufficient to turn the beginning motor.

If the battery is sufficiently exhausted, there may not be enough electrical energy to open and close the solenoid or relay several times. You’ll probably only hear one or two clicks or nothing at all when this happens.

2. Starter Problems

A malfunctioning starter might cause a clicking sound when you try to start your car, albeit it isn’t as prevalent. Rather than chattering, you’ll usually hear only a single click. The sound indicates that the starter solenoid is attempting (unsuccessfully) to activate the starter.

3. Battery terminals or cables that are loose or corroded
Excessive electrical resistance in the starting circuit might be caused by loose or corroded battery terminals or cables. As a result, the starter solenoid or relay may turn on, but not enough electricity will be available to spin the starter.

4. Mechanical Issues With The Engine

Many individuals overlook the fact that a mechanical issue with an engine can also prevent a car from starting. The starter motor solenoid or relay will close if the engine is seized, resulting in an audible click. The starter, however, will be unable to turn the engine over in order to start the car since it is locked up.

5. Problems With The Alternator

If everything else is in order, another possibility is that the alternator, which creates the power that recharges the battery, isn’t working properly. The starter motor loses a lot of the battery’s stored energy, and the alternator is designed to refill it, so if your battery can take a charge and tests well, it has to be rejuvenated between starts. A technician should test an alternator to see if it’s in good operating order.

What To Do If Your Car Makes A Clicking Noise When Starting?

The following are the several ways to fix this problem:

1. Rocking Your Car

Try starting your car again by rocking it back and forth or tapping the starter motor with a hammer. You’re good to go if this works! If this happens again, there’s a problem with your starter motor, and you’ll almost certainly need to replace it. A battery voltage test will also be useful in this situation.

2. Recharge The Battery

A car battery contains sulfuric acid, which can result in significant burns. When dealing with a battery or jump-starting a car, always use gloves and eye protection. If you come into touch with battery acid, drink plenty of water and get medical help right away.

When you hear clicking, jump-starting your car while following all safety procedures is usually the quickest way to get it started.

3. Terminals For Batteries

Battery terminals are where battery wires are connected to the battery. Electrical power transmission from the battery to the starter is limited if the terminal connections are corroded or loose, preventing your automobile from starting even with a jump.

Removing the cable ends, removing the rust with a wire brush, and replacing the nuts should bring your automobile back to full electrical power. You may take care of your battery connections on your own. Also, make sure the connection between the negative battery cable and the engine block is clean and secure.

4. Motor Starter

When you try to start your automobile and hear clicking or grinding sounds, it’s possible that the starter motor has failed, and that’s why a jump didn’t work.

Excessive cranking caused by a forceful start can overheat a beginning motor, causing internal mechanical or electrical components to fail, rendering the starter inoperable. Also, if the starter relay wire or connection is loose or corroded, the battery voltage will drop before it reaches the starter.

Allow your mechanic to diagnose any issues with the starter motor.

5. Problems With The Charging System

A faulty alternator might prevent a battery from charging completely. A faulty belt tensioner or a worn or loose drive belt can also prevent a battery from fully charging. Replace a drive belt yourself, but leave the alternator and charging problems to the professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the starter solenoid clicks but the starter does not crank the engine:

1. How Much Does A Battery Replacement Cost?

Depending on the use, a car battery might cost anywhere from $50 to $200.

2. How Much Does A Starter Replacement Cost?

The item itself costs between $200 and $1,000, depending on your vehicle. Professional labor will be more expensive.

3. What Causes A Poor First Impression?

Oil, filth, and debris, as well as loose connections, battery corrosion, and broken parts, can all contribute to a poor starting. A person’s age can also be an influence.


If your automobile is clicking but not starting, one of the electric components, such as the battery, alternator, or wiring, is most likely faulty. The clicking sound is caused by the starter motor’s pinion gear continually striking the beginning ring gear.

In the majority of circumstances, the car can be jumpstarted. If the car still won’t start or starts but then shuts off, the issue is most likely with the starter or alternator. A single loud click will be produced by a starting fault. A continual click indicates a dead battery or a defective alternator. If you decide to inspect the problem or try to fix it yourself, whatever the source, make sure you follow all safety precautions. Hope this article has solved all your problems related to the starter solenoid clicks but starter does not crank engine.

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