Check Engine Light Flashing Then Stops, What To Do?

The light flashing on your engine determines the severity of the problem. You can base how severe it is on the way it flashes.

If the check engine light flashing then stops, you can say it is just a simple problem, and an immediate fix is not needed. But if the light is blinking, you have to stop driving and head your car by towing to the mechanic as soon as possible.

In most times, engine misfire is the reason for the occurrence of a flashing light engine.

3 Main Reasons Why Your Check Engine Light Flashing Then Stops?

The check engine light is a signal of a problem lying in your engine. You can base the level of severeness on how the light is illuminating.

There are three common things for how the check engine lights flashing then stops.

  • First is the continuous illumination, it is not flashing when the engine light is simply on, it means there is no major issue in your car and if ever you want it to be fixed it must be affordable and straightforward. It might begin with checking the engine light flashing afterwards.
  • The second is Intermittent illumination, if the check engine flashlights for a little bit and then suddenly it stops or is turned off by itself without being touched, this can be called a soft failure.

However, even if it is mild, it is still associated with specific conditions. For instance, it continues to disconnect and connect, then the wire is broken. And the probability of the check engine light turning on and off is high. You can remind yourself of it as a check engine light flashing then stops.

  • The third is continuous flashing, if the check engine light is continuously flashing, this could be considered an emergency. This means that you need to halt the vehicle immediately and head it by towing it to a professional mechanic.

What Do You Mean By Engine Misfire?

To provide the power for the vehicle to be driven, the typical engine of the car needs to have a group of cylinders where the air and fuel mix and ignite.

Now, you have to keep in mind that if an automobile couldn’t burn the fuel, the ratio of air or fuel was not accurate anymore, etc.

In other words, if one of the cylinders or more cylinders happened to have an issue and were not able to work properly then the check engine light would start flashing behaviour.

Next time or the moment you are going to wonder why your check engine light is flashing then most of the time it might be a misfire of your engine.

What Are The Indications Of Engine Misfire?

You will recognize right away that the car is not doing as well as it usually does if the check engine light is flashing, especially at high RPM (revolution per minute) when the vehicle starts to be jerky or jumpy.

  • The first indication is the sound of the engine, one of the first signals you can immediately notice an engine misfire is the weird sound of the engine of your vehicle. You can also experience check engine light flashing or car sputtering that is being arranged in severe scenarios.
  • The second indication is the smell of the gas, this must be the most obvious situation you’re going to face if ever happens.

Its smell plus a check engine light that is flashing can signal that there is something wrong or leaking in your fuel and issues like this could be severe.

Some other engine misfire indications include difficulty in starting your vehicle, black smoke keeps on coming out of the tailpipe of your vehicle, and a smell like an egg that has been rotted coming out of the exhaust of your vehicle.

What Are The Reasons For Engine Misfire?

The first cause is an issue with the oxygen sensor because the oxygen sensor is the one that monitors the level of the oxygen in the exhaust.

The information on the level of oxygen in the exhaust is utilised to determine the needed fuel or air in the cylinder.

For example, picture out that there is a problem with this sensor, the engine will likely have more air or fuel than needed. Now if the fuel or air mixture had more fuel than needed, the ignite can’t burn this fuel, and some of it might end up leaking through the exhaust, or might cause other serious problems.

The second cause is a faulty fuel cap. It is surprisingly serious that if your fuel cap is left unclosed properly, then your engine light will illuminate.

Some of the owners might take this as a slight problem with an unclosed cap, the fuel cap can be broken and needs a replacement.

Fuel caps that can be categorised as engine misfire problems are easy to fix and very cheap. In this problem, you can securely close the fuel cap and drive carefully for a little bit.

It is more complicated if the check engine light is still illuminating after closing the fuel cap. You have to stop driving in this kind of situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here have a look at frequently asked questions:

Q1. What Does It Mean When The Check Engine Light Flashes 3 Times?

the misfire is almost certainly causing your vehicle’s catalytic converters to become damaged, which costs a great deal. You should work on the problem sooner than later to avoid further damage.

Q2. What Does It Mean When Check Engine Light Flashes 10 Times?

This light, which is also known as I/M readiness, indicates that an emission system is not operational. When all systems are tested on the vehicle over time, the light will stop blinking at some point.


There are several reasons why you will get the check engine light flashing then stops. You need to be able to observe whether it is an actual issue to do with an engine or it’s a diagnostic process that your car is going through to take the correct course of action.

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